Account of the Internal Situation of France in 180
Napoleon's own summary of affairs at the dawn of the Empire, as presented to the Legislative Body.
Background on the Regency Army
A brief outline of the British Army of the early Nineteenth century.
Cossacks and Napoleonic Wars
Brief comments about cossack employment in the war, from a site with lots of information on cossacks through the ages.
Short Barrels and Long Bumpers
dedicated to (though not entirely about) the 95th (Rifle) Regiment of the British Army.
The Army of Duchy of Warsaw
Selection of prints taken from an early 20th century source.
The Diary of a Veteran
The diary of Sergeant Peter Facey, covering his service in the British army between 1803 and 1820.
The Final War
Impressive site dealing with various aspects of the Swedish-Russian war of 1808-09 in Finland.