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Admiral Lord Nelson
Biography and links compiled by an ardent admirer of Horatio Nelson.
England Expects
A comprehensive profile of Nelson produced by the Eastern Daily Press. Understandably, there's a focus on his Norfolk origins. There's also the Norwich Mercury's account of Trafalgar from Nov 9, 1805 as well as a report from Le Moniteur in which the French win!
Infoplease Encyclopedia
Summary of Nelson's life and career with some suggested further reading.
Letters and Dispatches of Horatio Nelson
Covering the campaigns leading to the battles of the Nile and of Trafalgar. Published by the War Times Journal.
National Museums Liverpool - The Death of Nelson
Description and image of Benjamin West's famous painting 'The Death of Nelson'
Nelson Gallery
Short article and chronology from the British National Maritime Museum.
Nelson's Home Page
Details of Nelson's life, battles and ships delivered as if by Nelson himself. Site built by the 1805 Club.
The Life of Horatio, Lord Nelson
Project Gutenberg downloadable etext of Robert Southey's biography.
The Nelson Boy
Publisher's information on the first of two "imaginative reconstructions" of Nelson's boyhood and early career.
The Nelson Society
Homepage for a society "run by enthusiasts to promote interest in and appreciation of the character and life of Admiral Lord Nelson". There's a lot of information here - about Nelson, his life and battles but also about life in the Royal Navy at this time.
Wake Up to Nelson
Informative site about Nelson's life and times, aimed at schoolchildren.