english deutsch
1812: Napoleon's March to Russia
Account of the invasion together with a collection of pictures and maps. Reasonable content, but dull presentation.
Russian site dealing with the 1812 campaign and the Battle of Borodino, in slightly broken english. Includes a zoomable, scrollable panorama of the battle.
Costly Retreat From Moscow
Magazine article describing the fateful events of 1812.
Napoleon in Russia: Saviour or Anti-Christ
"The mixed responses of Russia's populations to Napoleon's great gamble on an invasion and the part they played in the eventual French catastrophe." From History Today.
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812
Straightforward account of the campaign, with short articles on each of the battles.
Olga's Gallery: The Great Fire in Moscow (181
An article about Napoleon's invasion of Russia and the burning of Moscow, with illustrations.
Project 1812
Well illustrated site with Russian and English text.
Russian Order of Battle at Borodino 1812
A detailed order of battle of the Imperial Russian Armies. Details commanders and units, including a full listing of artillery companies and Cossack regiments.