French Revolution
Guillotin, Doctor Joseph Ignace, Robespierre, Maximilien, Britannia: The French Revolution, Cornell: French Revolution Collections, France during the French Revolution and under Napo, French Revolutionary Pamphlets, Liberty and the French Revolution, Links on the French Revolution, On Political Morality, Reflections On The Revolution In France, Revolution and After, The French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
A History of Cotton Mills and the Industrial Revol, A Short History of Machine Tools, Child Labour in the 19th Century, Cotton Times, Cotton Town, Eccles, Manchester, Canals and Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England
Philosophers, Memoir of Leonard Covington, The Captivity of Jonathan Alder, The Travels of William Bartram (1739-1824)
African American Journey, African American Odyssey: Slavery--The Peculiar In, African American Voices, African Americans at Jamestown, Ama, a Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade, American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography, Boston Abolitionist Sermon regarding the Fugitive , Captive Passage, Chronology On The History Of Slavery, 1619-1789, Click2History: Slave Voices
Wars and Conflicts
American Revolution, French and Indian War, Jacobite Rebellion, American Powderhorns,, Guide to the Armies of the Great Northern War
16th to 18th Century History Articles
Brief essays (more journalistic than scholarly) on newspaper coverage of early American history.
18th Century History
A portal for the age starting with the Glorious Revolution and ending with the July Revolution. Provides timeline and feature articles on society, lifestyle, famous figures, and significant events.
18th Century Life - an online magazine
an online magazine about everyday life in the 1700's. Published bimonthly, it contains sections on cooking, book reviews, a letters page for questions and comments, and features.
American Weekly Mercury
Transcriptions of selected issues of Philadelphia's first newspaper from February 1722 to July 1741. Also provides information about early newspapers and their operation, biographies, and related links.
C18-L's Selective Readings
An online running international bibliography of scholarly work in 18th-century studies in all disciplines. A volunteer project edited by Kevin Berland.
Dictionary of Sensibility
A new approach towards understanding the language of eighteenth-century sensibility. It provides an atmospheric view of the multiple connotations of the terms of that language by collecting excerpts from primary texts of sensibility and scattering them among twenty four key terms.
Dry Drunk
From the New York Public Library comes an in-depth exhibit and exploration of the culture of tobacco in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Early Modern History
As part of History Network of Virtual Library (University of Kansas) this site is the central catalogue of Early Modern History resources in the Internet.
Eighteenth Century Thought
Interdisciplinary annual founded for the purpose of supporting study of early modern thought, by publishing research pertinent the human sciences as they were conceived during the period.
Eighteenth-Century Chronology
Important milestones in arts, science, and politics listed year by year from 1660 to 1800.
Eighteenth-Century England
Multimedia cultural history research projects created by literature students at the University of Michigan.
Eighteenth-Century Studies
This collection archives works of the eighteenth century from the perspectives of literary and cultural studies. Novels, plays, memoirs, treatises and poems of the period are kept here (in some cases, influential texts from before 1700 or after 1800 as well), along with modern criticism.
Europe: 1715-1799
Undergraduate essays by Donald Stark on eighteenth century European political and intellectual history.
History of Catalonia
Contains sections on 18th Century Catalonia.
History of the Philippines
Brief chronology of major 18th century events in the Philippines.
L'Age d'Or
An impressive site containing a lot of information on both the French and English Baroque periods.
Pierre Marteau's Publishing House
Articles and critical studies about books and publications in late 17th and early 18th century. Links to resources dealing with the period.
Political Change and Conflict- Age of Revolutions
Unit 3 of an Entire World History Course that covers French and American Revolutions with emphasis on how revolutions occur.
Recollections of An Old Soldier by Captain David P
Memoir of Capt David Perry, MA provincial soldier (Ticonderoga, NY and NS); ranger in Canada (Quebec, NF); American patriot (CT); Northeast American/Canadian history - War of 1812; notes. Written for his posterity.
The Enlightenment
An article about the history and heritage of the movement. Covers England, America and the struggle in Europe.
The Jay Treaty
Signed on November 19, 1794 with Great Britain to avert a second war with the colonies.