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Information on this emperor from the Catholic Encyclopedia .
Wikipedia entry dealing with this Roman Emperor.
Aurelian Antonianus
Offers a summary of the life and time of the Roman Emperor Aurelian. It includes speculation that he may have helped to murder Claudius II.
Aurelian's Eastern Campaign
Essay detailing the events of this conflict which was resolved in favor of the Roman Empire.
Aurelian's Wall
Provides a guided tour of Aurelian's wall. It also includes historical commentary about the wall's construction.
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus
Biography of this Roman ruler featuring highlights of his reign.
Roman Emperors - DIR Aurelian
Provides a chronology of the life of the Emperor Aurelian. It also features a detailed bibliography.
Vopiscus: Aurelian's Conquest of Palmyra, 273
Ancient account of this victory by Emperor Aurelian.