An introduction to the pharaoh Akhenaten, and the mysteries of his life, his religion, and his reign, by Megaera Lorenz.
Akhenaton: Ancient Revolutionary
Overview of Akhenaton's life and effect on the Egyptian people.
Ankhesenamun's Palace
Examines the life of Queen Ankhesenamun and her husband Tutankhamun. Contemporary and ancient works of art accent pages that cover Ankhes' life, titles, and family members.
Ankhesenamun: Princess of Amarna/Queen of Destiny
In-depth view of Ankhesenamun's life from the cradle on. Accurate historical information is complimented by the author's stunning fictional verse.
Children of the Sun
Examines the lives of the Amarna children, including all of Akhenaten's daughters, the known princes, and their caretakers.
King Tut One
Walk through King Tutankhamun's virtual tomb, view pictures during the excavation, or learn about his father Akhenaten.
Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Tutankhamen
Exhibition and catalogue on Akhenaten and Amarna.
Tell El-Amarna: Capital of the Disk
The Berger Foundation describes this city founded by Akhenaten. View excavation plans and reconstruction drawing of the city and images of the Amarna royal family. Learn about the worship of Aton.
The Akhet-Aten Home Page
Kate Stange covers the Amarna period in ancient Egyptian history, including biographies of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and information on religion, art and literature. Glossary with links to related sites.
The Amarna Letters
Letters of middle eastern rulers sent to Akhenaten. Images of originals and translations from An introduction to the history and culture of Pharaonic Egypt.
The Amarna Site
Discusses the 'Heretic Pharaoh' Akhenaten, his family, and the Amarna revolution. Includes original photographs and information on Amarna collections.
The House of the Aten
Information on several aspects of Amarna: Akhenaten, the Great Hymn, the city and the family tree.
The Land of the Aten
Examines the main personages of the period--Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Ay, Horemhab. Also provides information about and pictures of the Royal Tomb.
Tutankhamen, Pharaoh of Egypt
Discusses Bob Brier's book "The Murder of Tutankhamen: A True Story".