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Chamberlain, Joshua L.
Bowdoin College - Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Reso, Chamberlain Biography, Chamberlain Freedom Park, Chamberlain Lovers, Joshua Chamberlain Home Page, Joshua Chamberlain House Restoration, Joshua L. Chamberlain, Joshua L. Chamberlain Area, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain Biography, Official Homepage of Joshua L.Chamberlain
Custer, George Armstrong
Custer Association of Great Britain, General George A. Custer, George A. Custer, Monroe County (MI) Library: George Armstrong Custe
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest, UDC Indiana Chapter 2597 - General Nathan Bedford
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan
Military Quotes - Thomas "Stonewall" Jac, The Real Stonewall Jackson, VMI Archives - Stonewall Jackson Resources
Lee, Robert E.
Apotheosis of Robert E. Lee, Arlington House, Biography of Robert E. Lee (by Freeman), Boyhood Home Of Robert E. Lee, General Lee's Visit, Robert E. Lee, Robert E. Lee Birthday Celebration, Robert E. Lee Historical Preservation Site, Robert Edward Lee Biography, Stratford Hall Plantation, Birthplace of Robert E.
Longstreet, James
From Manassas to Appomattox, Lt. General James Longstreet, The Longstreet Chronicles, The Longstreet Society
Mosby, John Singleton
A Southerner's Perspective: Col. John S. Mosb, Col. John Mosby and the Southern Code of Honor, Documenting the American South: The Memoirs of Col, Find A Grave: John Singleton Mosby, George S. Patton Historical Society Library: Memoi, John Singleton Mosby Museum, Mosby's Confederacy Tours, Mosby's Rangers, Pickett Society: Col. Mosby's Claim Unsubstan, Smithsonian Institution: John Singleton Mosby (183
Shaw, Robert Gould
Augustus Saint-Gaudens' Memorial, Colonel Shaw Biography, Portraits of Valor, Robert Gould Shaw, Robert Gould Shaw, Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial, The Biography of Robert Gould Shaw, The Raid on Darien, Georgia, Who2Profile: Robert Gould Shaw
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, Military Quotes - William Tecumseh Sherman, The William Tecumseh Sherman Memorial, William T. Sherman in South Carolina, William Tecumseh Sherman, WilliamTecumseh Sherman Biography
And Then A.P. Hill Came Up
An online archive of information dedicated to the life and career of Civil War general and Confederate hero, Lieutenant General Ambrose Powell Hill.
Belle Boyd - Siren of the Shenandoah
Full biography, with timeline and additional web resources, of the famous Confederate spy.
Braxton Bragg - "Misplaced General"
Favorable evaluation of Bragg by Dr. Grady McWhiney of The Cincinnati Civil War Round Table
Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead, CSA
Life and service of Brig. Gen. Lewis Addison Armistead to both the U.S. and Confederate Armies. Bios on the General and his son, Walker Keith, as well as Regimental and other Armistead related information.
Captain William Downs Farley
In memory of chief scout for J.E.B. Stuart. Killed at Brandy Station and buried in Va. Exhumed by Smithsonian in 2001, to be buried in hometown in Laurens,SC in 2002.
Civil War Biographies
Features detailed information about many of the major players in the American Civil War, including Belle Boyd, Jubal Early, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Clara Barton.
Clarence Randolph Yonge: Some Myths Exposed.
An attempt to correct some misleading data on this Confederate Navy officer that has been perpetuated by incorrect information being circulated online.
Colonel Henry Tillinghast Sisson
About the life and career of the man who served in several Rhode Island Infantry and Heavy Artillery divisions. Includes photos, genealogy, and links to related sites.
CSA Spy Henry Thomas Harrison
A detailed account of Gen. James Longstreet's famous scout. However, historians are still trying to piece together the mystery of Harrison and continue searching for clues as to his earlier life and his whereabouts after the Civil War.
Gen. John A.Logan
Brief history of the Union general that distinguised himself at Vicksburg, commanded the federal forces at the Battle of Atlanta, and at war's end prevented Raleigh, North Carolina from being burned by northern soldiers.
General George G. Meade Archive
An online archive about Major General George Gordon Meade, the longest-serving commander of the Army of the Potomac and victor of Gettysburg.
General Israel B. Richardson
A site dedicated to the memory of Major General Dick Richardson, includes links, letters, family history, and pictures.
George Crook, Major General, United States Army
Biography of General Crook, Civil War General and of the Indian Wars, with pictures.
George H. Thomas - Rock of Chickamauga
Commander of the Union Army of the Cumberland. Site includes chronology, photos, comprehensive bibliography, and articles.
Henry W. Lawton
The story, pictures, and links of a forgotten army hero of the Civil War and late 19th century.
Hosea's Page
Honors Massachusetts Civil War soldier Hosea Orcutt Barnes and others, of Scituate, Hingham, Pembroke and Boston; photos of CW veterans' graves in Pinegrove Cemetery, East Pembroke, MA.
JamesBirdseye McPherson, Major General, Union
Historical data on the General that served under Grant and Sherman.
John Bell Hood
Details the life and career of General John Bell Hood, CSA.
John Reynolds
Discussion of Gov. John Reynolds, 1788-1865 and his place among pro-Southern Northern politicians.
Life Stories of Civil War Heroes
Biographies of the lives of a few of the noble and brave are presented here, along with sources that may be of interest for more in-depth study. Tributes to the common soldier, valiant unsung heroes and veterans are also included - "that they will not be forgotten."
Major General George H. Thomas
A site dedicated to the career of Major General George H. Thomas with the "Army of The Cumberland" during the Civil War.
Micah Jenkins
A history of the life of the Confederate General.
Patrick Cleburne Society
About Irish-born Patrick R. Cleburne, perhaps the best battlefield commander of the Confederate armies.
Philip H. Sheridan
A brief biography of the Chief of Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, who started out in the West, later made a name for himself fighting Indians.
Rose O'Neal Greenhow
Greenhow, a leader in Washington society, was also one of the most celebrated Confederate spies in the Civil War. Site has letters, news clippings and background.
SpotlightBiography: Civil War
Information and links about several leaders during the Civil War.
The W. S. Hancock Society
Winfield Scott Hancock used to be a household name. The W. S. Hancock Society, a non-profit, educational/preservation organization aims to change this sad situation.
ThinkQuest: People and Leaders
Photographs and brief biographies of Northern and Southern high profile Civil War military and political personalities. From The American Civil War Experience library.
USA: Edwin McMasters Stanton
Biographical information on the Secretary of War that served under Abraham Lincoln.