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126th Ohio Infantry
A large collection of letters from the men of the 126th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, American Civil War.
A Close Shave in the U.S. Civil War
Memoirs of Nova Scotian Samuel James Hingley, who served in 3rd Regiment Infantry, New Hampshire Volunteers, and was wounded in General Butler's Bermuda Hundred Campaign.
Adventures of Harvey Hogue
Tales of a soldier in the Ohio 115th including a harrowing escape from Andersonville.
Albert Underwood Civil War Diary
The Civil War diary of Albert Underwood of Annapolis, Park County, Indiana. It covers Jan 1, 1864 thru Jan 11, 1865.
Alice Williamson Diary
This diary of a Tennessee schoolgirl chronicles life during the Civil War.
American Civil War Collection
Civil War letters and diary entries include transcriptions and digital images of the manuscripts.
B. R. A. Scott: Memoirs of the Civil War
Never before published, these memoirs may be of interest to historians, genealogists and Civil War buffs.
Basil H. Messler Diary
Entries, February 27 1864 to January 30 1865, from the diary of Basil H. Messler (Mississippi Marine Brigade).
Capt. Richard W. Burt 76th Ohio Infantry
Civil War letters and poems from R.W. Burt.
Civil War Letter From James L. Johnson
Found folded up in a modern envelope, this letter is copied as exactly as it was written, with no corrections for grammar or spelling.
Civil War Letters
Correspondence from William Rees, a confederate soldier from Tennessee who survived the Battle of Shiloh.
Civil War Letters of Edward Nicholas Boots
These letters, being passed down through my family, are presented here in the hopes of a better understanding of the life of a Christian Soldier in the Civil War.
Civil War Letters of John Alexander Ritter, M.D.
Letters from a doctor while serving as Regimental Surgeon in the 49th Indiana Volunteers from 1861 to 1863. Written during the regiment's campaigns in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
Civil War Letters of the Overall Family
Collection of letters from Isaac Overall, 36th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and his wife Jane.
Civil War Memories
Robert C. Carden was born in Coffee County, Tennessee on July 4, 1843, the youngest of the five children of Reuben and Sarah (nee' Henry) Carden. On May 23, 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate Army at Manchester.
David Emmons Johnston, 1845-1917
The story of a Confederate boy in the Civil War, by David Emmons Johnston, 1845-1917.
Diary Henry Carl Ketzle Illinois Infantry
Diary of the 37th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company B, covering enlistment in July 1861 to muster out in May 1866. Battle of Pea Ridge included.
Diary of James Laughlin Orr
Entries (November-December 1864) from the diary of Lt. James Orr, 42nd Indiana Regiment.
Diary of LaFrancis E. Hackett
Private, Fifth Independent Ohio Sharpshooters. Covers the day-to-day details of soldiering from January-December, 1864.
Documenting the American South
Memoirs and journals written not because of their historical or political significance, but because they are to the writer the natural expression of what life has meant to him in the moment of living, have a value entirely apart from literary quality.
Dwight Henry Cory
Civil War letters and diary of Dwight Henry Cory, 6th OH Volunteer Cavalry.
E.S.C. Robertson Civil War Biography
Excerpts from the Robertson Colony Collection at the University of Texas at Arlington.
G.D. Molineaux Diary
This site includes the Civil War diary of the Illinois volunteer G.D. Molineaux, as well as the movements of his unit.
Galutia York
Civil War letters of Galutia York, 114th New York State Volunteer Infantry.
Gaylesville During the Civil War
This is a continuation of a series of letters contributed by Dr. Joseph Gardner. They were written by his ancestors who lived in Gaylesville and Cherokee County during the Civil War.
George W. Ervay Diary
Excerpt from the diary of George W. Ervay of Stockton's Independent Volunteers.
History and Description of the Voyage of Peter Wie
The diary of Peter Wiegand, 97th Illinois Infantry, Company A, begins on the 6th day of August, 1862. Contributed by his descendant, Edward Wiegand.
In a Charge Near Fort Hell
An account by Captain Thomas P. Beals describing operations near Fort Sedgwick in 1864.
Iowa Civil War Page-Letters, Journals, Diaries and
A variety of manuscripts by Iowa residents and units.
James B. Lockney, Wisconsin 28th Regiment, Company
Two of the original Civil War diaries are in the possession of his great granddaughter Mary Lockney of Brookfield, Wisconsin and his complete works are at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in Madison, WI.
James Franklin Freeman
The story of James Franklin Freeman, 22nd NC Regiment.
John Allan Wyeth, 1845-1922.
"With sabre and scalpel; the Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon", Memoirs of doctor and Confederate soldier John Allan Wyeth. Full scanned text, part of a project by the U. of N. Carolina.
John C. Birdwell Letters, 1862
Typed transcriptions of letters of the Nacogdoches County farmer and soldier. Letters are mostly to Birdwell's wife, discussing farming, the Civil War and Confederate camp life.
Journal of Andrew Jackson Nickell
Text from the war diary of Andrew Nickell of the 114th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Jubal Anderson Early
Autobiographical sketch and narrative of the War between the States, by Jubal Anderson Early, 1816-1894. Full text scanned from original.
Juckett Family Civil War Letters
Letters written by A.J. Juckett while serving with the 2d Michigan Infantry during the Civil War.
Letters from Silas Gore
Letters from a private in the US 141st Pennsylavania Volunteers during the War Between the States.
Letters Home from an Iowa Soldier
These letters are part of a collection written by Newton Robert Scott, Private, Company A, of the 36th Infantry, Iowa Volunteers, during the American Civil War.
Letters of the Harvard Regiment
Extensive transcriptions of letters from members of the 20th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
Levi Pennington Letters
Letter, dated December 9, 1862, from Lt. Levi Pennington.
Mollie Griffith: Civil War Ancestor
The Battle of the Crater, fought on the Griffith family farm near Petersburg, VA, as observed by teen-age Mollie Griffith and her brother.
Newton Robert Scott
Letters from Private Newton Robert Scott, 36th Infantry Iowa Volunteers, during the American Civil War.
Primary Sources
Letters, diaries, reminiscences, and manuscripts of New York soldiers and nurses during the Civil War.
Private Jefferson Moses
Contains the Civil War diary, memoirs, photographs, and other memorabilia of Private Jefferson Moses, Company G, 93rd Illinois Volunteers.
Randolph Harrison McKim, 1842-1920.
A soldier's recollections from the diary of a young Confederate.
Recollections of a Refugee
J.B. Douglas of Lynchburg, Virginia.
Reminiscences of the Civil War
Book written by General John B. Gordon C.S.A.
Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regi
The memories of Capt. John G. B. Adams, written on behalf of his regiment.
Revealing Family Ancestry: The Civil War
Letters saved by Margaret Slagg of Michigan, whose brothers served in the Union army.
Robert C. Cardin, Company B, 16th Tennessee Infant
Memories about how a boy of seventeen went to war, what he saw and some of his experiences.
Robert K. Byrd
Letter from Robert K. Byrd (Col. 1st East Tenn. Volunteers) to Henry J. Welcker (commander of Welcker's Cavalry), May 24, 1862.
Rose O'Neal Greenhow, 1814-1864
In this 1863 autobiography, the Washington, D.C., socialite and Confederate spy told her story and gave her view of contemporary events.
Samuel J. Bradlee's Civil War Letters
Includes several letters (photos plus text) written by Samuel Bradlee of the 10th Battery Massachusetts Volunteer Light Artillery.
Samuel S. Dunton Civil War Letters
Letters from Samuel S. Dunton, 114th New York Infantry.
Schoff CivilWar Collections
Contains manuscript, photographic and printed materials relating to all phases of the American Civil War.
Speech -- Augustus M. Erwin
Speech written by Augustus M. Erwin, Captain, Co. E. 117th Reg't. N.Y. Infantry, which includes some of his war recollections.
Strieby Family Civil War Letters
Among the scanned images of the original letters written to and from Indiana, is a rare letter that includes information about the surrender of Lee and news of Lincoln's death.
The Butler Letters
Henry Butler's letters to his wife in Castine, Maine during the Civil War.
The Calvin Shedd Papers
Letters written by Calvin Shedd, a carpenter from New Hampshire, who enlisted in the 7th Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers and served the Union Army.
The Civil War Letters of Jakob Weiss
Translated text and service record of Jakob Weiss (Jacob Wise) 107 Ohio Infantry, Co D. Includes images of original letters as written in German.
The Diary of Miss Virginia J. Miller
This diary, from November 15, 1861 to April 17, 1862, begins on a Friday night at Leesburg.
The Letters of Noah Hart
Information from and about a Union officer in Company F of the 10th Michigan Infantry.
The Private History of a Campaign That Failed
E-text of essay by Mark Twain about experiences as a Confederate soldier.
The Wartime Diary of John Weathered
The exact time when the manuscript was written isn't clear but it was several years after the war while Weathered was in retirement. Bennett's Regiment or 9th Tennessee Cavalry.
The Writings of Civil War Captain Harmon Root Hubb
Personal reminiscences, including detailed accounts of his Andersonville prison stay, his eventual escape and the battle of Ft. Blakely.
Ulysses S. Grant's Personal Memoirs
E-text of the 1885-1886 edition at Bartleby.com.
Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the Civi
A collection of personal papers, diaries, and reminiscences from two communities, one Northern and one Southern.
Vermont Civil War Letters
Archived letters from Elijah Brown and Edwin Horton, plus Civil War links.
Virginia Tech Libraries' Civil War collection
Includes a number of online letters and memoirs from soldiers on both sides.
William Bishop 1817-1879, Papers, 1839-1891
Papers of a commander of a Union cavalry unit in northeast Missouri during the Civil War, and State Treasurer of Missouri following the war.
William H. Johnson Civil War Letters
Letters of Union soldier William H. Johnson, a sergeant in Co. E, Seventh Connecticut Volunteers. Links to other manuscripts collections.
William R. Lee, Humane and Generous Enemy
Correspondence between Robert E. Lee and his Massachusetts relative William R. Lee. Also includes accounts of the battle of seven pines-Fair Oaks, and an Oliver Wendell Holmes tribute.
Woman Recalls Civil War Veteran Father
Reminiscences of Effie Turner, 88, daughter of Thomas Wood Machen, who was a soldier in the Confederate Army of Alabama.