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1st North Carolina Cavalry Battle Flag
Features photos and information on the discovery of the regimental battle flag. Photos and overview of unit and company flag available.
Alabama Civil War Flag Collection
Most of the Civil War period flags in the Department's collection have been photographed as a part of the documentation process. Those flags which have been photographed are followed by PN numbers. Photographs of flags may be requested through the Department's Archival Reference section.
Confederate Flag
Site chronicles the continuing controversy surrounding use of Confederate battle flag.
Confederate Flags
For most people, the image of the Confederate Flag conjures up the "blue cross with white stars on a red background" which is more properly known as the Confederate battle flag, but in fact, there were a number of Confederate Flags used during the war, and many regiments and companies had their own unique flags.
Confederate Flags
A history with links of the National, Bonnie Blue, South Carolina State and Seccesion Flags.
Confederate Stars and Bars
Details of the first three official flags of the Confederacy, the Confederate Battle Flag, and the Confederate Navy Jack.
Confederate States Official Flag Regulations
The Commander-in-Chief promulgates for the information and guidance of all persons, the following Resolution, and an Abridgment of the Report of the Committee on Flags, of this Organization.
Flag of the 27th. South Carolina
Features this group's Confederate Battle Flag and its history.
Flags Of The Confederacy (FOTC)
Study the numerous flags of the Confederate States of America, with news and images posted by a team of vexillologists who specialise in the study of Confederate flags.
Savage/Goodner's Camp
Get free clipart from the Confederate Flags Gallery.
Texas Historic Flags
Provides photos and descriptions of the history of these Confederate battle flags from Texas.
The Preservation of Florida's Confederate Fla
A project run by the Florida SCV to preserve Florida's Confederate flags. Includes a catalog of the flags housed at the Museum of Florida History.