english deutsch
A Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Con
A digest of the military and naval laws of the Confederate States : from the commencement of the Provisional Congress to the end of the first Congress under the permanent constitution, by Confederate States of America.
An Analysis of President Lincoln's Legal Argu
Delves into the resulting change in thinking of political leaders and how the constitution is interpreted because of actions taken before and during the conflict.
Brief History of the Ku Klux Klan
Focused on the history of the use of the Confederate flag as a symbol and reasons the two should not be associated.
Causes of the Civil War
Provides listing and explanation of causes of the war from a North Georgia perspective.
Causes of the Civil War
An archive of informative period documents on the secession and causes for the war.
Chronology of the Secession Crisis
Short timeline from January 1860 until shots were fired on Fort Sumter. Includes texts of speeches and resolutions during this period.
Civil War Era Politics
A study of the political causes of state secession, the Jefferson Davis Administration in Richmond, and related American history.
Civil War Virginians of the Allegheny Highlands
Provides history of three of Virginia's Civil War regiments with Allegheny Highland origins, also provides messageboard and soldier photos.
Civil War veterans in Hood County, Texas.
Confederate Constitution
The Congress of Delegates from the seceding Southern States convened at Montgomery, Alabama, on February 4, 1861. They quickly adopted a provisional Constitution, and in less than a month, devised and approved a permanent Constitution, which was adopted March 11, 1861.
Confederate Desertion
C.S.A. deserters in context. Studies in broad view and detail, and comparisons to the North. Some Anti-Confederate views challenged.
Confederate Government Senators
Lists names of Confederate Senators along with the state each represented.
Confederate Military Lodge of Research
These pages are intended for information dissemination about Confederate Mason Ancestors.
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows: Vt
Digital copies of Confederate Virginia pension rolls, alphabetized by last name.
Confederate Pride
Includes biography and pictures of Robert E. Lee, rebel links, polls, webrings, MIDIs, and flags.
Confederate States of America Constitution
Complete text and signers included.
Confederate States of America Documents (The Avalo
Confederate States of America Government Documents during the initial four-month period from December 24, 1860 to April 29, 1861.
Dixiedave's Confederate Page
Discussion on reasons the war was fought, definition of Civil War, flag issues, history of 28th North Carolina Regiment, and Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Documenting the American South
Details the rise of Southern secessionism using first-hand written accounts, literature and narratives from the time period.
Documents of The American Civil War
Documents and reference material relating to Confederate action.
First Inaugural Address of Jefferson Davis
Address by Provisional President Davis at Montgomery, Alabama on February 18, 1861.
Gazkhan's Civil War Re-enacting, History and
Site contains history of Palmetto Regiment, and articles on Confederate flags, the Rebel Yell, Succession Cockades, and the Armies surrender. Also has information on reenacting and war gaming.
Generals Buried in Louisiana
Names, photographs and burial locations of Confederate generals.
Genesis of the Civil War
Deals primarily with the issues leading to the War, from a Southerner's perspective.
Heritage Preservation Association
Our mission is to protect, preserve and restore the historical significance of endangered symbols, customs and cultures of the Colonial and Confederate South.
In the Land of Cotton: A Yankee-Born Confederate E
Examines the issue of slavery and how misconceptions about Lincoln and slavery have clouded Americans view of the South.
Introduction to CSA Stamps and Postal History
Stamps of the Confederacy.
Jefferson Davis: 2nd Inaugural Address
Address delivered when becoming Permanent President of the Confederate Government, at Montgomery, Alabama on February 22, 1861.
Jefferson Davis: Fairwell Speech before the U. S.
Fairwell address of Senator Davis of Mississippi following notification that the state government that he represented had seceded from the Union. Delivered in Washington on January 21, 1860.
John Bachman Letter to Henry Summer
Written in 1851, the letter outlines some of the concerns of Southerners after the compromise of 1850 that eventually led to secession.
Kirchner's Map of the Confederacy
1863 map of the Confederate States of America.
Legal Materials on the Confederate States of Ameri
A compilation of legal documents in the Schaffer Law Library referring to the Confederacy.
Letters of the Cochran Family, 1860-61
Series of letters detailing views of reasons for the South's secession and current events of the time.
Milam County, Texas Civil War Page
Provides a brief history of the Confederate and state military units raised in Milam County, Texas during the Civil War and their commanding officers.
Ordinances of Secession of the 13 Confederate Stat
Contains the actual text presented from each state.
Secession and Civil War
Reasons for secession and implications both internal and external to the nation in outline format.
Southern Secession
Text of resolutions passed in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia, outlining the reasons for secession from the Union.
Tennessee Civil War Home Page
Provides Civil War information that pertains to Tennessee and includes biographies, statistics, engagements and information by county or city.
The American War Between the States
This site argues that confederate secession was (and is) an effective and necessary defense against central government tyranny.
The City of Richmond in the War for Southern Indep
A history of the city during the Civil War in photographs from then and now.
The Civil History of the Confederate States
A brief history of the Confederacy.
The Confederate Site of America
A virtual compendium of the Confederacy, photo gallery, over 1,500 CS links, music (with lyrics), selected e-books, genealogy research, bookstore, and site search engine.
The Confederate States of America
Provides details of the Confederacy from its beginning in 1861 to its end in 1865.
The Papers of Jefferson Davis
Well done website about the President of the Confederate States of America.
The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of
The legal code of the Confederacy. Full text available on this site.
Valley of the Shadow
Staunton Spectator August 1861 newspaper transcriptions.
War Department Collection of Confederate Records
An index to the huge quantity of Confederate records collected and cataloged by the U. S. Federal government following the conquest of the C. S. A.
War of Southern Independence
Reviews certain events during the war and examines the consequences of it, from a Southerner's perspective.