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Civil War Forum Frigate
Discussion forum and live chat devoted to the United States Civil War.
Civil War Talk.com
An online source for free and useful information about the American Civil War, including a community forum and resource center.
civilwarwest - Wester Theater Discussion Group
This group discusses all aspects of the American Civil War as conducted in the Western Theater of operations. Any action that did not involve Lee's Army of Northern Virginia or the Peninsula Campaign is open for discussion.
H-CivWar: United States Civil War History
H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture surrounding the War Between the States. Features subject overview, archive, reviews, links to related lists, and subscription information.
Rebel226 Revisits Civil War History
Discussion forum about the Civil War.
Rebels Revisits Civil War History
Civil War discussion forum divided into several topic areas.
The Civil War Discussion Group Online
Website devoted to discussion and education that offers moderated e-mail discussion of topics related to the American Civil War.