140th New York
History and pictures of the 140th New York at Gettysburg.
After Gettysburg
A summary of events that occurred after the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War of the United States.
Battle of Gettysburg
Photos, thoughts, quotes, and images from the Battlefield at Gettysburg and the Civil War.
Battle of Gettysburg
A comprehensive study of the including maps of the battle, articles, message boards, and photos.
Battle of Gettysburg
Photographic guide to the Battle of Gettysburg and the events leading up to the conflict. Includes pictures, panoramas, individual soldier stories, quotes, letters, links, and other resources.
Buford's Boys!
Online resource about Buford's First Cavalry Division in the Gettysburg Campaign.
Cassie & Tom's Gettysburg Trips
Contemporary photo collection of Gettysburg with an epilog on Fort Delaware and Finn's Point Cemetery.
Dennis O'Kane and the 69th Pa. Volunteers
A description of the heroic stand by the 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry during Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg.
Echoes of Gettysburg
This site offers concise and detailed accounts of various parts of the battle, maps, and many photos. It also features an entire collection of battlefield relics.
Eyewitness to Gettysburg: What a Girl Saw
The Battle of Gettysburg as seen through the eyes of 15-year-old Tillie Pierce.
Geology and the Gettysburg Campaign
Describes the geology of the land used for troop movements to the battlefield and of the battlefield itself.
Gettysburg Adams County Pennsylvania
The official site of the Gettysburg convention and Visitors Bureau.
Gettysburg Battlefield
History and artwork depicting the battle and the people involved.
Gettysburg battlefield images
Photos of battlefield by Joe Ryan, photographer.
Gettysburg Battlefield Online
Information on the battle and present day park.
Gettysburg Discussion Group
Hosts online discussions of all aspects of Gettysburg. Also includes other Gettysburg information.
Gettysburg National Battlefield Museum Foundation
Whose project is to restore the battlefield to its 1863 appearance and build a museum to house extensive collections of Civil War material.
Gettysburg National Military Park (National Park S
The Park Service's site on the battlefield. In Depth section includes news, a virtual tour and details of the Gettysburg Cyclorama.
Inventory of Chamberlain Corrospondence
This inventory of correspondence relating to Joshua L. Chamberlain was compiled by Pejepscot Historical Society.
Monuments at Gettysburg Battlefield
Historical reference and research guide. Online sales of maps of the conflict.
My Trip to Gettysburg
Pictures from and the history of the Civil War Battle at Gettysburg.
Sickles' Hole
Strategic overview centered on the July 2 advance of the Union III Corps at Gettysburg. Features photos and maps.
The Battle of Gettysburg
The battle of gettsyburg is considered by many to be the most vital battle of the Civil War; included is a comprehensive and detailed description.
The Battle of Gettysburg A Photographic Guide
A tour of Gettysburg National Military Park through modern photography.
The Battle of Gettysburg Official Records
Includes battle overviews, the Order of Battle for both the Union and Confederate armies at Gettysburg.
Three Days At Gettysburg
The turning point of the Civil War
Town of Gettysburg Walking Tour
The places and people within the town of Gettysburg that played a role in the battle.
Virtual Gettysburg
Photographs, maps, and a searchable database containing monuments and markers on the battlefield.
Winds of Valor
A Compendium project for the study of the Battle of Gettysburg with emphasis on cross reference databases, articles, research, genealogy, message boards, with a portion of any proceeds benefitting Battlefield Preservation