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John C. Calhoun
Encyclopedia Americana - In 1824, Calhoun was elected vice president of the United States with support from both the Adams and Jackson factions. He served under the victorious John Quincy Adams, but in 1828 he supported Andrew Jackson and was again elected to the vice presidency when Jackson won the presidency.
John C. Calhoun in the U.S. Capitol
Senator from South Carolina, Secretary of War, Secretary of State, twice Vice President. Life and times, gallery, political theory, links.
John C. Calhoun on the Clay Compromise Measures
Delivered on March 4, 1850, this is among his most famous speeches. Too ill to deliver it himself, it was read by another senator. Calhoun, so ill he had to be helped out of the Senate Chamber after the speech, died on March 31, 1850.
Johnc. Calhoun's Speech Against the Compromis
The famous South Carolinian (1782-1850) made his last Senate speech during the course of the great debate over the Compromise of 1850, a complicated and controversial set of resolutions sponsored by Henry Clay (1777-1852) of Kentucky.
Remarks of Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina on the Bi
Speech delivered in the U.S. Senate on February 22, 1839. In plain text, or as a zip file, at Project Gutenberg.