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Encyclopedia Americana: John Tyler
A detailed biography written for students. Includes Tyler's inaugural addresses and a fact file.
John Tyler
Short biography from the Hall of "Forgotten" Presidents.
John Tyler
Short biography from the official White House site.
John Tyler
Provides a biography of American president John Tyler.
John Tyler and the Pursuit of National Destiny
Comprehensive article from the Journal of the Early American Republic explores one aspect of Tyler's philosophy of government.
John Tyler's Presidential Precedent - Suite10
Tyler set the pattern for Vice-Presidents who assume the top spot when the elected President dies in office. This article details the struggles he faced in establishing that precedent.
Medical History of President John Tyler
Reviews the specific ails of America's 10th President, many of them mysterious to this day.
Presidential Children: Tyler's 15, Still a Re
Articles introduces Tyler's large family and tells what became of each of his children.
Sherwood Forest Plantation: Home of President John
John Tyler's home from 1842 until his death in 1862.
The American President: John Tyler
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes lesson plans and links.
Visiting President Tyler's Grave
Pictures Tyler's final resting place and tells of the Confederate-Union controversy surrounding his final years.
Who 2: John Tyler Profile
Includes links, vital statistics, and short biography.