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Announcement of Alzheimer's Disease
1994 speech in which Reagan told the world that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
CNN Cold War Historical Documents: Reagan's &
Transcript of Ronald Reagan's famous speech in which he introduced the concept of a defense system that could destroy missiles from space.
Economic Recovery Program
Speech in which Reagan bipartisan cooperation and tax cuts to pull the nation out of a recession. Delivered April 28, 1981.
Farewell Address
Speech in which the president says his good-byes to the nation. Delivered Friday, January 20, 1989.
History Channel: Address to the Nation on the Berl
RealAudio excerpt of Reagan's recount of his visit to Germany, during which he urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
History Channel: Iran-Contra Disclosure
RealAudio excerpt of the speech in which Reagan responds to the Iran-Contra hearings.
Reagan's "Evil Empire" speech
A brief historical introduction to President Reagan's 1983 "Evil Empire" speech and the text of the speech itself.
Remembering Ronald Reagan
A CD compilation of well-known and rare quotes by President Ronald Reagan from private collections and the National Archives.
Ronald Reagan: First Inaugural Address
Complete text of speech delivered Tuesday, January 20, 1981. Includes background information.
Ronald Reagan: Second Inaugural Address
Complete text of speech delivered Monday, January 21, 1985. Includes background information.
Time for Choosing
1964 speech in which Reagan urged his fellow citizens to rally behind the American dream. From the Modern History Sourcebook.
Townhall.com: Featured Speeches of Ronald Reagan
Transcripts from 1964's "A Time for Choosing" to his 83rd birthday gala speech from 1994.