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A Short Tribute to Ronald Reagan
Points out the connection between the former president's foreign policy and recent Middle East turmoil.
Myths and Realities about Ronald Reagan
Collection of links in English and Danish critical of Reagan and the policies of his administration.
RayGun: The Fascist Gun in the West
A site dedicated to revealing Ronald Reagan's involvement in censorship and his attempts to eliminate the free flow of ideas at California campuses.
Reagan's Legacy
Focuses on the Reagan administration's opposition to poverty and birth control programs.
Ronald Reagan's Demented Mediaverse
Strange quotes collected from Reagan's political career.
Slate - Not Even a Hedgehog: The Stupidity of Rona
Article looking at Reagan's misconceptions of complex issues, reactions to challenges of his statements, and observations of his behavior as president.
The Reagan Years
A software application which, for each day of the calendar year, displays a list of amusing or embarrassing incidents committed relating to the Reagan administration on that day.
The Real Legacy of Ronald Reagan
Essay asserting Reagan did not serve the interests of the majority of the people, and in fact impacted the country and the world in some very negative and even devastating ways.