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Click2History - Assassination of President McKinle
Provides the story of the assassination with links to source documents. Includes Thomas Edison's movie recreating the execution of the assassin Leon Czolgosz.
Czolgosz's Crime Changed the Course of our Na
Describes the assassination and Czolgosz's time in Kanawaha City OH. Points out the historical impact of McKinley's replacement by Teddy Roosevelt.
Leon Czolgosz
Brief biography of McKinley's assassin.
McKinley Assassination Historical Site
A detailed review of the assassination of President William McKinley.
NPR Audio on McKinley Assassination
NPR's Eric Westervelt reports on McKinley's assassination and how it changed the conduct of all future American presidents.
President McKinley and the Pan-American Exposition
Brief account of the circumstances of the assassination.
Speech That Prompted Assassin
Contemporary report of a speech by anarchist Emma Goldman, a copy of which was found in the assassin's pocket.
Tune Collector and the Anarchist
Excerpts from Emma Goldman's autobiography describing her brief meeting with Czolgosz before, and her imprisonment after the assassination.