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A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madiso
Paul Jennings, Madison's slave for many years, writes about the burning of the White House and his master's death.
James Madison
Short biography from the official White House site.
James Madison
Provides a biography of American President James Madison. Includes a list of places named after him.
James Madison (1751-1836)
Biography of the former President from the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
James Madison - Mainstream Revolutionary
Links to speeches and other related documents of President James Madison.
James Madison Discussion Port
Forum for discussing the life and works of James Madison, from the Federalist Papers to the Constitution.
James Madison: His Legacy
A large collection of material and links from the James Madison Center of James Madison University.
Montpelier: The Home of James Madison
Virginia residence where Madison spent much of his life. Includes a look at the home's history and landscaping.
The American President: James Madison
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series.
The Federalist: Biography of James Madison
Brief biography which complements the Federalist Papers.
The James Madison Museum
Museum located in Orange, Virginia, dedicated to the memory of the fourth president and father of the Constitution. Includes a selection of essays and links.
Wikinfo - James Madison
Encyclopedia article which examines the life of President Madison.