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A Time to Heal Our Nation
Former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter favor a bipartisan resolution of censure by the Senate after the Clinton impeachment vote. (NY Times - December 21, 1998)
Character Above All: Gerald Ford
Essay provides a brief look at the circumstances and events that molded the president's character.
Encyclopedia Americana: Gerald R. Ford
Scholarly biography written for older students. Includes fact file.
Ford at Ayers Kaserne-Kirchgoens, Germany 1975
The President visited US personnel in the 1st Brigade, 3d Armored Division at Ayers Kaserne, Kirchgoens, West Germany, in July 1975. Text and audio of his speech to the US forces are on this site, as well as photos.
Gerald Ford
Provides a biography of American President Gerald Ford.
Gerald R. Ford
Short biography from the official White House site.
Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum
Biographical and primary source materials for the 38th U.S. President.
Swearing-in Speech, Aug. 9, 1974
Gerald Ford's speech on assuming the presidency on Aug. 9, 1974 after Nixon's resignation.
Testimony of Ford - HSCA
Transcript of Gerald Ford's testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Ford was one of seven Warren Commission members.
The American President: Gerald Ford
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes gallery and quotations.
The Nixon Pardon Proclamation
President Gerald Ford grants "a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States."