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Bartleby.com: Bill Clinton, First Inaugural Addres
Text of the address delivered January 21, 1993.
Bartleby.com: Bill Clinton, Second Inaugural Addre
Text of the address delivered January 20, 1997.
History Channel: Speeches: Bill Clinton on His Dec
Clinton announced that the US would lead a UN-authorized military operation to overthrow Haiti's military junta on September 15, 1994. [RealAudio]
History Channel: Speeches: Bill Clinton on the Dea
Clinton spoke at Nixon's funeral, April 27, 1994. [RealAudio]
Soundbite Institute: Radio and TV Correspondents&a
Transcripts of Clinton's humorous speeches to these annual dinners from 1994 to 2000.
Washington Post: The State of the Union, 1993-2000
Full texts of Bill Clinton's eight State of the Union addresses and an index by major topic.