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17Aug98: What Clinton Said and What Clinton Meant
A satiric analysis of Clinton's famous August 17, 1998 speech, given after testifying about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
About.com: Bill Clinton Jokes
Collection of jokes about events surrounding Clinton's departure from office.
About.com: Bill Clinton Jokes
Collection of jokes about Clinton's post-Presidential career.
About.com: Bill Clinton Top 10 Lists
Top 10 lists about Bill Clinton from the Late Show with David Letterman.
About.com: Clinton Jokes and One Liners
Joke collection.
About.com: Clinton's Final Days Farewell Vide
Spoof video, shown at the 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner, in which Clinton's lame-duck final days in office are humorously imagined. [QuickTime]
About.com: Funny Bill Clinton Pictures
Cartoons and photos.
About.com: The Clinton Years
Joke collection.
Clinton Jokes
Page of jokes.
New Clinton Pictures
Collection of pictures and jokes.
Party411 - Farewell Mr. Clinton
Help be a part of history, post glowing comments and good wishes in a gift book that will be presented to Mr. Clinton as a sad farewell.
The Monica and Bill page
Pokes fun at the relationship between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton.
Uncle Bill's Peace Barn
Satirical defense for President Clinton from right-winged, tax-cutting, freedom-loving, morally caring attacks by conservatives.