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AmericanPresident.org: Chester A. Arthur
Fact file and comprehensive biographical sketch based on PBS series. Also includes quotations, gallery, and resources for teachers.
Chester A. Arthur
Brief biography from the official White House site tells how this former machine politician became a reformer in the Presidency.
Chester A. Arthur
Provides information about and biography of American President Chester A. Arthur. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
Chester Alan Arthur
Varied information such as election results, cabinet members, and notable events from the Internet Public Library.
News of Chester Arthur's Death
Obituary reproduced from November 19, 1886, issue of The New York Times.
President Chester A. Arthur State Historic Site
Describes the historic childhood home of Chester Arthur in Fairfield, Vermont.
The Bay State Monthly: Chester Alan Arthur
Original biographical journal article from May 1884 (Cornell University e-text, Making of America).
The Hall of Forgotten Presidents: Chester A. Arthu
Biographical sketch asks readers not to forget this President.