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Death of the Federalist Party
Paper written by Richard Seltzer in high school covering the decline and fall of the Federalists after 1799; includes notes and bibliography.
Early America Review: Federalist Opposition to the
Paper in the Winter 2000 issue by John B. Hoey weighing the causes and results of the political standoff between Jefferson and the Federalists regarding war with Britain.
Encyclopedia Americana: Federalist Party
History of one of America's first political parties.
Encyclopædia Britannica: Federalist Party
Article from the 1911 edition examines the history of the party.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: Federalist Party
Short article, for teens. Has pictures of famous Federalists, and a bibliography.
History of the Federalist Party
Information about the original Federalist Party from website of the New Federalist Party, an attempt to revive the party of Hamilton.
The American Experience ; The Duel ; The Federalis
Information about the party from the American Experience website on their film about the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
United States Federalist Party
Brief synopsis on the party listing its candidates for President from 1796 through 1816.