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American Experience: The Rockefellers
This companion site to the PBS television program explores the story of John D. Rockefeller and of the heirs to his fortune. Includes program synopsis, transcript, documents, bibliography, and teachers' guide.
Encyclopedia of Cleveland History: Rockefeller, Jo
Rockefeller began his career in Cleveland. This biographical article includes links to related entries in the encyclopedia.
Entrepreneurs and American Economic Growth: John D
Traces Rockefeller's business career and the growth of Standard Oil. Outline of a college course lecture by Dr. Kenneth Poole, University of Houston. Includes bibliography.
History of the Standard Oil Company
Journalist Ida Tarbell's most famous work was this muckraking account of Rockefeller's oil empire, published in 1904. Full-text reprint of the book.
John D. Rockefeller and Civic Affairs in Cleveland
Discusses Rockefeller's support for civic and charitable organizations in the city where he spent part of his boyhood. Article by Paul Hillmer from the Spring 2000 issue of Research Reports from the Rockefeller Archive Center. PDF file.
John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company
Discusses Rockefeller's life, the oil industry of his era, the growth of Standard Oil, and Rockefeller's business practices. By Francois Micheloud. Includes photos, bibliography, and French version of text.
John D. Rockefeller, 1839-1937
Brief biography covers his business career and philanthropy. From the Rockefeller University web site.
John D. Rockefeller, a Character Study
This biographical article by Ida Tarbell appeared in McClure's Magazine, July 1905.
John Singer Sargent's John D. Rockefeller Sr.
Two portraits of Rockefeller painted by Sargent in 1917.
Kykuit, the Rockefeller Estate
Grand house that Rockefeller built in the Hudson Valley, now open to the public. Includes description, tour hours, online ticket orders, and Rockefeller biographies.
On This Day: Obituary
Rockefeller's obituary from the New York Times, 1937.
Rockefeller and Standard Oil, Rags to Riches
Essay takes a critical view of Rockefeller's "greed, not philanthropy." Also includes the final chapter of Ida Tarbell's book, The History of the Standard Oil Company.
Rockefeller Family Bibliography
Bibliography relating to John D. Rockefeller, other members of the family, and the Rockefeller Foundation. From the Rockefeller University web site.
Supreme Court Antitrust Debates: Standard Oil Co.
Edited text of the Supreme Court's landmark 1911 decision that Rockefeller and his Standard Oil companies had unlawfully conspired to monopolize the oil industry.
Why a University for Chicago and Not Cleveland?
This paper discusses Rockefeller's early philanthropy, particularly the question of why he helped endow the University of Chicago but not a university for Cleveland, the city where he got his start. Author: Kenneth W. Rose, Rockefeller Archive Center. PDF file.