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Coin and Currency Collections at Notre Dame
Currently features 'Coins of Colonial and Early America' and 'Colonial Currency', as well as 'Washington Tokens'.
Colonial Currency
Exhibit features examples of colonial paper currency, ranging from the 1720 Louisiana issues, to the fractional currency privately emitted in the 1790's during the copper panic, with supplementary sections on colonial lottery tickets and fiscal documents.
Colonial Currency, Prices, and Exchange Rates
An essay on colonial currency, prices, and exchange rates by Leslie V. Brock.
Leslie Brock Center for the Study of Colonial Curr
University of Virginia resource for information about the currencies of the American colonies. Pamphlet transcripts, contemporary writings, modern articles, and related links provided.
The Leslie Brock Center for the Study of Colonial
Specializing in information about the paper money of the American colonies.
The Value of Money in Colonial America
Essay: British policy was guided by the supposition that its colonies would contribute revenue, and stimulate industrial growth, by providing both raw materials and markets for British mercantile expansion.