english deutsch
Ancient Age
Anasazi-Hisatsinom, Aztec-Mexica, Beothuk, Hohokam, Mayan, Mississippian-Moundbuilders, Olmec, Sinaguan, Toltec, Adena Culture, Archaeogeodesy Study of the Miami River Circle, History of Moshakia From the Deluge to Columbus, Louisiana Prehistory, Miami Circle, Paleo-Indian Traditions, Sacred Cosmology: Precolumbian Mesoamerican Symbol, The Paleoamericans: Issues and Evidence Relating , The Prehistory of Ontario
Spanish Conquest of Native America
Fur Trade
Black Fur Traders and Frontiersmen, Canada Hall - The fur trade, Exploration, the Fur Trade and Hudson's Bay C, Fur and Fire - Mountain Men, Rendezvous, Fur Trade, Fur Trade and Mission History, Historic Hudson Bay Company, Library of Fur Trade Historical Source Documents, Mountain Men and the Fur Trade, Mountain Men, Fur Trappers, Museum of the Mountain Man
Ghost Towns
Arizona Ghost Towns, Deserted Lands, Ghost Town USA, Ghost Town Webring, Ghost Towns and Gold Mines, Ghost Towns and Other Adventures, Ghost Towns of America, Ghost Towns of Western Canada Photo Gallery, Ghost Towns Prospecting and Mining, GhostTownGallery.com
United States
By State, Civil Rights Movement, Colonial, Disasters, First Ladies, Historic Places, Historical Documents, People, Political Parties, Presidents
Passages: a Treasure Trove of North American Explo
Digitized rare book collection for the National Library of Canada covering a range of topics in history and culture about Canada and North America.
Peopling North America: Population Movements and M
Presents a historical overview of migration to and within Canada, the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean from Europe, Asia and Africa. The demographic, economic, cultural, and political nature of major movements are examined.
Trade Rings - their History, Use, and Meaning
Short article on the finger rings first introduced by the Jesuits for use in trade with native americans.