Australian Defence Force Academy - School of Histo, Australian National University - Asian History Cen, Australian National University - Department of His, Australian National University - Graduate Program , Australian National University - School of Economi, The Australian National University: Faculty of Art
New South Wales
Macquarie University - Department of Ancient Histo, Macquarie University - Department of Modern Histor, University of New England - School of Classics, Hi, University of New South Wales - School of History, University of Newcastle - Department of Classics, University of Newcastle - Discipline of History, University of Sydney - Department of Ancient Histo, University of Sydney - Department of Art History a, University of Sydney - Department of History, University of Sydney - Unit for the History and Ph
Central Queensland University - School of Humaniti, Griffith University - School of International Busi, James Cook University - School of Humanities - His, Queensland University of Technology - School of Hu, University of Queensland - Department of Art Histo, University of Queensland - Department of History, University of Queensland - Department of History, , University of Southern Queensland - Department of
South Australia
Flinders University - Department of History, University of Adelaide - Department of History
Ballarat, University of - Historical and Heritage , La Trobe University - Department of Art History, La Trobe University - School of Historical and Eur, Monash University - School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne - Department of History, University of Melbourne - Department of History an, University of Melbourne - School of Fine Arts, Cin
Western Australia
Murdoch University - School of Social Inquiry, University of Western Australia - Department of Cl, University of Western Australia - Department of Hi