C-Span.org: Televised Legislatures Around the Worl
Directory of national parliaments' websites and TV broadcasts.
Canadian Provincial and Territorial Legislatures
Guide to their websites with extensive description.
Governments on the WWW: Parliaments
Directory for websites of parliaments of nations, autonomous territories, provinces, and federated states.
Guidelines for the Content and Structure of Parlia
Adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in May 2000, the documents details prevailing features in summer 1998.
Liste des Sénats du Monde
Directory of the senates around the world. With profiles, part of a study on bicameralism (in French, with abridged English version).
Parliaments of the Eastern Europe and Baltic Count
Webdirectory with address, phone, and e-mail.
Parline Database
Profiles of national parliaments: General information on (each of) the Parliament's chamber(s), description of the electoral system, results of the most recent elections, information on the presidency of each Chamber, as well as information on the mandate and status of members of Parliament.
World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries
Guide to the libraries for parliaments of nations, federated states and autonomous territories. Based on publications of the early 1990's, partially updated.