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Appalachian State University MUN
Hosted in Boone, North Carolina, it simulates the procedures of several UN organs.
Berkeley Model United Nations - California
Holds the oldest annual conference simulating most large General Assembly and small specialized committees.
Cairo American College MUN (CACMUN) - Cairo, Egypt
Annual high school conference held every October since 1978.
Cornell Model United Nations Conference (New York)
Cornell University's annual simulation of United Nations organs.
Florida High School Model United Nations - Altamon
Annual conference simulates the General Assembly, Security Council, and specialized agencies.
Gannon University Model United Nations - Pennsylva
Conference that simulates the General Assembly, Security Council, and ECOSOC.
Harvard Model United Nations - Cambridge, Massachu
Annual conference simulates regional organizations and most UN organs. Also includes news bulletins/briefs.
Johns Hopkins University Model UN -Baltimore, Mary
Simulates crisis-oriented and humanitarian organizations.
Juniata College Model United Nations Club - Pennsy
Free, day-long simulation of security organizations and of economic and social programs.
KCS Model United Nations
Annual conference held at King's College School in Wimbledon, London, UK.
Laguna Hills MUN - California
Simulates several General Assemblies and a small number of specialized including Security Council. Also includes conference photographs.
Mission Viejo High School -Mission Viejo, Californ
Annual conference that simulates larger General Assemblies with several specialized agencies.
Model UN of the University of Chicago - Illinois.
Comprehensive simulations the Security Council, General Assembly committees, specialized agencies, regional organizations.
North American Invitational Model UN - Washington,
Georgetown University's comprehensive simulation of the UN and regional organizations integrates special briefings from experts in DC.
Rutgers Model United Nations - Piscataway, New Je
East Coast conference that promotes individual attention in small simulations of the active UN organs.
Santa Margarita Catholic High - Rancho Santa Marga
Day-long high school conferences caters to inexperienced, freshman delegates.
Secondary Schools' United Nations
McGill University simulates the active UN organs and several special organizations. Montreal, Canada.
The Hague International Model United Nations - The
Largest international high school MUN conference, held annually in January. Also included are forums and research assistance.
The Mid American Global Education Council
The Mid American Global Education Council (MAGEC) hosts three high school conferences a year: MAMUN, CASC, and the Traverse City Historic Security Councils.
United States Naval Academy Model United Nations -
Prestigious armed forces institute hosts simulations of the General Assembly, International Court of Justice, and Security Council.
University of Arizona -Sierra Vista, Arizona.
Simulates Security Council, and several UN organs.
University of Michigan MUN
Annual Model UN conference features several small committees, a few specialized, and a few General Assemblies. Ann Arbor, Michigan,
University of Pennsylvania MUN -Philadelphia, Penn
Comprehensive simulation of the active UN organs, specialized agencies, and IGOs.
Vancouver Model United Nations
Annual conference hosted at St. George's School.
Vanderbilt University Model United Nations
Located in Nashville, Tennessee.
Virginia Model United Nations - Charlottesville, V
Simulates General Assembly committees and crisis organizations.
Washington Area Model United Nations Conference
Get all the info on the Washington, DC. Conference.
West Coast Invitational MUN - Anaheim, California.
Large, unaffiliated conference simulating General Assembly and ECOSOC committees, Security Council, specialized agencies, and regional organizations.
William and Mary High School United Nations - Virg
Fall conference simulates the General Assembly, the Security Council, specialized agencies, and inter-governmental organizations.
Yale Model United Nations - New Haven, Connecticut
Prestigious simulation of the every active UN organ, experimental organizations, and the press corps.
Burlington County