english deutsch
Advanced research programme on the Europeanisation of the Nation-State
Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP)
A policy think tank at the University of Munich on German and European issues. PDF files, news, and photographs covering current projects and publications.
Centre for European Reform (CER)
A London-based think tank devoted to improving the quality of the debate on the future of the European Union, "pro-European but not uncritical."
Centre for the New Europe
An European non-profit, non-partisan research foundation drawing attention to new research and new perspectives and seeking to promote a free, prosperous and peaceful Europe.
Cicero Foundation
A Dutch EU Think Tank that organises seminars for diplomats in Paris and other European capitals. The website contains a variety of lectures that are freely available.
ECPR - European Consortium for Political Research
An independent, scholarly association which supports and encourages the training, research and cross-national cooperation of political scientists in nearly 300 institutions throughout Europe and beyond.
European Centre for Comparative Government and Pub
European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Rese
UN-affiliated research centre for social research, policy, information, and training, based in Vienna.
European Energy Foundation
Discussion forum on energy related subjects gathering members of European Parliament, representatives from European Commission and industries, as well as international organisations and national parliaments.
European Foundation
A British foundation the goal of which is to promote a solution to the democratic deficit that currently exists in the EU, and to create a Europe of diversity, self-government and liberty.
European Institute of Public Administration
EIPA (Maastricht, NL) training, instruction and exchange for and between senior civil servants on EU and European affairs
European Policy Centre
A Brussels-based think tank committed to enhancing European integration. Provides briefings, papers, and other research, as well as conference information and links.
European Rim Policy and Investment Council (ERPIC)
Policy think-tank focusing on EU development in Central/Eastern Europe, and EU relations with the wider international community (Middle East).
European Union Center At Harvard University
European University Institute Florence
EUI, well-renowned Research Institute, many Working Papers available online
Federal Trust
UK research Institute on European Integration
FEG Marburg
Research Unit European Communities (Leftist, EU critical researchers), University of Marburg (Germany)
Institute of European Affairs
IEA, Irish independent Think Tank on European Affairs.
Jean Monnet Chair at Harvard Law School
Program cosponsored by the European Commission to promote teaching about European integration. Sponsors working papers, research projects, and college courses.
Libertas - European Institute GmbH
A think-tank on European and international political and economic affairs, on EU enlargement and ACP coutnries, on business enlargement, privatisation and technical assistance in favor of democracy.
Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe
Aims to foster respect for individual liberty and for the free market economy in Europe.
RAND Europe
An independent multidisciplinary think tank specialising in finding public-private solutions to shared problems.
Stockholm Network
A working group of European market-oriented think-tanks.
Sussex European Institute
TEPSA - Trans-European Policy Studies Association
TEPSA - Trans-European Policy Studies Association - network of think tanks. It aims the promotion of international research on European integration, policies and political options for Europe.
The Centre For European Policy Studies
CEPS, a policy think-tank in Brussels, providing research and activities on economic and international policy matters.