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Descendants of John Rogers and Eleanor (Nelly) Wilson, who lived in what is now West Virginia.
Ancestors of George Jerry (Bud) Rogers from Powder Springs, GA USA.
Rogers Ancestral Home
Researching the lineage including the variation Rodgers. Includes history, chat and message boards.
Rogers and Other Families
Ancestral history of Graham Rogers from Fordingbridge, Hants, ENG.
Rogers Family of Springfield
Surname database including photographs, reports and related links. Compiled by Sharon E Rogers.
Rogers Family Remembered
Researching the lineage that begins with Thomas Rogers 1537-1610, Alderman of Stratford-on-Avon, England UK. Includes surnames Lothrop, Fuller and Howland.
Rogers Family: Histories and Roots
Ancestral heritage of Nola Miles Rogers including photographs, pedigree and associated links.
Rogers: My Family
Ancestral history of Donna Lynn Rogers including photographs, reports and associated links.
Rogers: Southern Ancestors
Totty bible records, photographs and database, compiled by Jeannie Rogers. Includes Works Project Admin (WPA) extracted interview project.