english deutsch
Family history of Jack Daniel Kelly of Portland, OR USA. Includes the surnames Imlay, Dobbins and Latham.
Family history of Mary Keely Kelly including the surnames George, Keely, Kelly and Yokaitis.
Family of Lionel and Sara Kelly including photographs and guestbook. Compiled by Kathleen Staples.
Kelly Clan
Family founder was William Kelly (b.1787) and wife Mary Bryans (b.1789) of County Armagh, Northern Ireland.
Kelly Kanadian Kin
Dedicated to the research and resources for the Kelly and Kelley surnames in Canada, 1700-1800. Features the family history of Daniel Kelley and Maria Fleming.
Kelly Tree
Ancestral heritage of Sean M Kelly including pedigree charts, family photographs and guestbook.
Kellys of New Brunswick
Family history of Jennifer L Obyrne including the surnames Gratton, Fitzpatrick, Breen, Colepaugh and Donovan.