Family research including the surnames Holden, Halldin, Harvey, Manry, Morris and Wall. Compiled by Charles Holden.
Steve Holden's family tree including ancestor chart, ahnentafel report and relationship tool.
Male Y-chromosome testing of Holden family members including spelling variants Haldane, Haldein, Halden, Holdin, Holding, Holdren, Holder or Houldin.
Holden Family
Featuring primary lineage, associated branches, queires and look-ups, contacts and resources. Also includes an archive section featuring the Holden-Newsletter.
Holden Family Tree
Ancestral history and family photographs of Robert Holden.
Holden History
Ancestral history as researched by Angelo Holden, Jim Holden and Ben Bates.
Holden: Steve's Family
Researching the surnames Pink from Frensham, Surrey; Hyde from Chertsey to London; Grunnill from Lincolnshire to Liverpool; and Schorah from Yorkshire to Liverpool.