english deutsch
Beth Chayim Chadashim
Reform synagogue's calendar of events, drashot, guide to children's services, and membership information. Located in Los Angeles, California.
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah
Events schedule, program guide, membership and volunteer information, and list of Holy Days services. Located in New York City.
Congregation Sha'ar Zahav
Established in 1977, Congregation Sha'ar Zahav is San Francisco's vibrant community of gay and lesbian Jews.
Frum Gay Jews
Resources for Orthodox Gay Jewsin New York City and elsewhere.
Gay Jews Find Halakhic Alternative
Essay argues that the Torah demands the sanctification of gay marriages.
Helping gay Jews find each other and be part of a community. Includes features, chat, profiles.
Questions and answers, bookstore, greeting cards, and community resources.
GLS Brazilian Jewish Discussion List
Overview, contact information, and mailing list for homosexual and sympathetic Jews from the Brazilian community. In Portuguese and English.
JQYouth (Jewish Queer Youth)
JQYouth is a social/support group made up of frum/formerly frum* gay, bi, trans and lesbian Jews ages 17-30. We meet regularly for monthly meetings and informal social get togethers. In addition we have an anonymous online discussion group.
Keshet Jewish Group
Social group for Jewish GLBTQ folks in Portland, Oregon.
Online community for Orthodox Jewish lesbians.
Orthodykes New York
Support and social group for Orthodox and formerly Orthodox lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women. Resources, information, T-shirts.
Articles, message board, and mailing list for Orthodox Jewish gay men.
Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians
Support group for parents of gays and lesbians in the UK.
Queer Spirit .net
Explorations through essays, Torah drash, poetry, and art of gay and transgender Jewish spirituality
Rainbow Center
Resource and support center serving the needs of GLBT and questioning people, and their families and friends. Services offered and related links.
Trembling Before G-d
Documentary film about faith, sexuality, and religious fundamentalism. Background of the people filmed, screenings, press releases, reactions, and related resources.
Twice Blessed
Community resources, jokes, health issues, and media resources.
World Congress of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Jewis
Overview, contact and membership information, newsletter, and directory of member organizations.