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Being Homo
Series of essays on homosexuality for Pakistani and Muslim homosexuals.
Homosexuality and Islam
An argument for putting homosexuality in perspective, that while it is sinful, it is not the worst of sins.
Huriyah Magazine
A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender Magazine For Muslims.
Islam and Homosexuality
Cites references to homosexuality in the Qur'an and Hadith, discusses history of Islamic legal treatment of sexuality, gives links to other sources.
Islam's Love-Hate Relationship with Homosexua
Compilation of the actual treatment of homosexuals in Muslim countries. The difference between acceptable dominant homosexual activity and unacceptable mutual or affectionate activity.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Muslim Web
Connecting sites by and for Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
LGBT Muslims
E-mail discussion group.
Safra Project - Resource for lesbian, bisexual and
Provides information on issues relevant to lesbian, bisexual and transgender Muslim women (& gay Muslims). Includes the scholarly work of progressive Muslims on 'Sexuality, Gender and Islam', and information on social and legal issues. See the Links button for many other sites dealing this topic.
StraightWay - Miscellaneous Resources
This is an annotated collection of links to articles on homosexuality by Muslims. It is part of a site dedicated to the struggle of straight, traditional Muslims against homosexuality.
What is Islam's view of homosexuality?
Gives a traditional Muslim view of homosexuality but with modern psychological insights and understanding.