Broward Log Cabin Republican Club (Fla.)
Conservative and progressive group of grassroots gay Republicans in Broward County, Fla. Information, newsletter and membership details.
Liberty Education Forum
Educational think tank of the Log Cabin Republicans, based in Washington DC. With articles, editorials, and events calendar.
Log Cabin Republicans
National gay and lesbian Republican grassroots organization. Articles on issues, upcoming elections, and events.
Log Cabin Republicans of Austin
Mainstream gay and lesbian Republicans who want to make a difference in the Republican Party of Texas.
Log Cabin Republicans of California
News, endorsements, and events calendar.
Log Cabin Republicans of Chicago
Club history, membership and contact information.
Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas
Club information, news, upcoming events and links.
Log Cabin Republicans of District of Columbia
Government relations, history, upcoming events, and archives.
Log Cabin Republicans of Los Angeles
Calendar of events, newsletter, membership information.
Log Cabin Republicans of Michigan
Club information, membership and calendar of events.
Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota
Discussion list for gay and lesbian Republicans in Minnesota.
Log Cabin Republicans of New York
Changing the debate and advancing civil rights for the gay and lesbian community in New York. Related news and events calendar.
Log Cabin Republicans of North Carolina
Discussion list for gay and lesbian Republicans in North Carolina.
Log Cabin Republicans of Orange County (Calif.)
Endorsements, news, and calendar of events.
Log Cabin Republicans of Orlando
Mission, event and contact information, links.
Log Cabin Republicans of Sacramento
News, meeting information, related and local links.
Log Cabin Republicans of San Antonio
Discussion list for gay and lesbian Republicans in South Texas.
Log Cabin Republicans of San Francisco
Chapter information and events calendar.
Log Cabin Republicans of St. Louis
Club information, calendar of events, links and contact information.
Log Cabin Republicans of Tampa Bay
Photographs, meeting times, dates and locations.
Log Cabin Republicans of Virginia
Club information, activities, calendar of events, and links to gay and GOP sites.
Log Cabin Republicans of Washington State
News, events poll, and upcoming events.
Maryland Log Cabin Republicans
Meetings and events, links and contact information.
Salon - GOP Group Withholds Endorsement of Bush
The national board of Log Cabin Republicans votes to withhold its endorsement and called Bush "disloyal" to the 1 million gay men and lesbians who it said supported his candidacy in 2000.
Texas Log Cabin Republicans
Organization working to bring equal rights for gays and lesbians within the Texas Republican Party. News from metro branches and lobbying against anti-gay bills filed.