Ann M's, At-Home with Joan, Auntie Teck's Home for Lesbians in Asia, Aviva Pages, The Angry Dyke
A Little Bit of Personal Space, Leapin's Homepage, Lee, Rickie, Leezard, Lesbian Essays and Other Writings, Lesbians Rule, Lyles, Kelly, The Lesbian Peach Pit, The Life and Times of a Senior Christian Lesbian
Mac's, Magyclau, Marsha Stevens, Meet Claire, Melissa True Today, Meow's Rainbow Conference, Moon Beams For Us, Much ado about Kate, My Happy Lifestyle, My Story Lesbian Battered Women
Sapphicafe, Shelia's Lesbian Family Page, Shorty's World, ShrinersPark, Single White Lesbian, Spike's Space, Squigg's Space, Starpoet, StoneRaven Perch, Stories from Toni
Ramble-o-matic, Welcome To A Safe Pleace, Welcome To the Realm of the Poetess, Why Cyber Lesbians Suck, Womyn's Web