Magazines and E-zines
Futurecasts, Journal of Futures Studies,, Signs and Wonders, SNS Press: Seeking New Solutions, The Plausible Futures Newsletter
From a World of Madness to a World of Sanity: Guid
Website to augment Dr. George Marshall's eponymous book; also features recommended reading, favorite quotes, new articles.
Future Facing
Using the latest developments, inventions and issues to predict life in the future. Includes articles, links and an eZine.
History of the Future
Excepts from the book answer question such as, what factors have determined the kind of development we pursue as countries, and how resources are used and distributed.
Natural Capitalism
Book by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, about a new business model for responding to changes in our society. Book excerpts, reviews, and downloadable chapters available.
The Ingenuity Gap
Thomas Homer-Dixon's "study of a world becoming too complex and too fast-paced to manage." Includes forum, a writing contest, suggested readings and links.