Academic Departments
Department of Futures Studies, Future Generations, Future Studies, M.A. Option in Futures Studies, M.S. Program in Studies of the Future, The Australian Foresight Institute
Human Extinction, Large Near Earth Object Impacts, Supervolcano Eruptions, Armageddon Online, Challenges of Nanotechnology Misuse Cited in Lesli, Exit Mundi, Let's Save the Future, On the Danger of the End of Civilization, Possible Future Global Catastrophes, Survive NBC, TerraMortis, The Future Is, Tsunami Project
Chats and Forums
Apocalyptic Dreaming, I Called It! -- Predicting the future, one post at, Immortality Institute, NeuroAtomik, OverMorgen, What's Our Future
Alternative Futures Associates, Amber Network - Creative Coaching and Leadership D, Annimac Consultants, Christensen Associates Management Consultants, Inc, Creating At Will, David Pearce Snyder, Future Management Group, Future Speak,, Gene Stephens, Futurist.
100 Phenomena, A Message From Future Generations, Australia's Future, Be Afraid, Carfree City Design, Consolidation for Social Awareness and Responsibli, Digital Fracture, Dr. Arthur B. Shostak, Future Studies, Future Studies: An Interdisciplinary Vehicle for S
Center for Millennial Studies, Dreams of the Great Earth Changes, Gonzo Links, Jerusalem Syndrome, The, Millennia Consortium, Millennial Information Exchange, The, Millennium I: Our Times, Museums and Millenium, New Millennium's Resolution, A, Surviving Y2K
News and Media
Magazines and E-zines, From a World of Madness to a World of Sanity: Guid, Future Facing, History of the Future, Natural Capitalism, The Ingenuity Gap
Association of Professional Futurists, Bay Area Futurists, Choose Peace Now, Contact: Cultures of the Imagination, Craig Research Labs, Foresight for Regional Development Network, Foresight Institute, Foundation for the Future, Frontier Organizations on the Web, Future of Science
Personal Pages
32 Questions, Futuresedge, Josh Calder - Projections: A Futurist at the Movi, Nick Bostrom's home page, Predictions by Gary Allan Halonen, Random Terrain, Rational Futures: Making it Happen, Seeing The Future, Sentient Developments, The Langridge Collection
Fiction Tie-In, Scientific, 2012: Dire Gnosis, 21st century - Wikipedia, A Brief History of the Apocalypse: The Future, A Future Timeline of Humanity and the Universe, Armageddon, Arthur C. Clarke's Predictions, Battelle - Technology Forecasts, BBC - h2g2 - Predicting the Future, Book Review: The Age of Spiritual Machines: When C, Dr. David Passig
Air Force 2025, Foresight as a Tool for the Management of Knowledg, Freedom Ship - City At Sea, Futur, HumansBeingHuman, Narrows Crossing, Residential Vessels .com, Strategic Planning for Humanity, The Venus Project, Time Capsule
Research Centers
Finland Futures Research Centre, Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, Institute for Futures Research (University of Stel, Institute for the Future, The Institute for Futures Research (Univ. of Houst
Art, Criticism, Ethics, Neurohacking, Singularity, Transhumanists, 'Transhumanism', by Julian Huxley, Anarcho-Transhumanism, Anders Transhuman Page, Betterhumans, Changesurfer Radio, Cyborg 101, Cyborg Democracy, Extropy Institute, Homo Multifarius, Mind Uploading
A Science of Utopian Civilization, Ethics and Aest, Another World Is Possible, Bergonia, Beyond Walden Two, by The Walden Community., Bridge to Change, Is Utopia Possible?, Let's Evolve: Creating an Egoless World, Questy's American Philosopher, Society for Utopian Studies, The New World
Internet Brothers: Future Shock
About high technology change and expectations. Marvel at future communications and lament the electronic dinosaurs.
Leadership, Ethics, and Command Central: Future S
On-line resources for integrating the tools of futures studies with conflict and defense studies for officer training: extensive links focussed on the future of war, confllict, and military technology, as well as general futures methods.
The Future is Yours
Futuristic site on global ethics, Earth Charter, the future of science and religion, the purpose of life