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About.com: Chinese Fable Stories
Chinese fable stories, proverbs and idioms.
ChinaVista: Ancient Chinese Fables
Six fables in Chinese and English.
Chinese Folktales
Two Chinese folktales with a short bibliography.
Chinese Tales and Fables
Chinese Tales and Fables is an illustrated e-book with Chinese art and enhanced with Chinese classical music. Each fable is a brief story, contained on a single page with an implied common-sense moral.
Chinese Tea Stories
Chinese folklore, folktales and legends retold by Colette.
Concepts of Value in Chinese Folklore
Article discussing the concept of "value" in China as compared to the western world.
Dim Sum: Chinese Folk and Fairy Tales
Student activity site including six Chinese folk and fairy tales.
The Illuminated Lantern: Ghosts and Fox Spirits
Article on supernatural literature in China, by Peter Nepstad; including tales from Pu Songling.
The Legend of Lady White Snake
Synopsis and background of the legend, and comparison with similar legends and its connection with Chinese Opera.