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4to40: Aesops Fables
Famous fables from Aesop for kids to learn from.
Four fables of Aesop, illustrated by Linda Hastings.
Entry on the legendary Greek fabulist from The Columbia Encyclopedia.
A biography of Aesop.
Famous quotes attributed to Aesop.
Aesop's Fables
As retold by Joseph Jacobs; e-text from Classic Books Online.
Aesop's Fables
Eighty four fables (Advantage edition); e-text from the Encyclopedia of the Self.
Aesop's Fables
As translated by George Fyler Townsend, part of the Internet Classics Archive.
Aesop's Fables
As translated by George Fyler Townsend; e-text at World Wide School.
Aesop's Fables
Compilation of nearly 400 fables from several existing translations, searchable by prime character; quick tour available.
Aesop's Fables
Collection of over three hundred fables with brief biography and of the famous fabulist.
Aesop's Fables
A collection of over 300 of Aesop's Fables.
Aesop's Fables
Searchable collection of Aesop's Fables with reader commentary.
Aesop's Fables
As translated by George Fyler Townsend; e-text at Project Gutenberg.
Aesop's Fables
Advantage version; e-text from the Project Gutenberg.
Aesop: In His 3rd Millennium
Modern edition of Aesop's Fables by Kate Shannan, focussing on "the Nature of the beasts..."
Fables: Literature by Aesop
Collection of over 400 fables from Aesop.
Free Online Library - Aesop
Aesop's fables, including a brief biography.
IndiaParenting.com: Aesop's Fables
As translated by George Fyler Townsend.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Aesop's Fables Among the
Article about the possible relations between Talmudic, Indian, and Greek fables. Written about 1900.
Over 300 Fables of Aesop and Others
Aesop's Fables Online with old and new moral lessons added.
Proverbs from Aesop's Fables
Titles of fables with their corresponding proverbs.
World of Aesop
Aesop's fables as edited by Stikeney, Jacobs, and Townsend, with author concordances, motif index, proverbs, and biography of Aesop.
As retold by Joseph Jacobs; e-text at Bartleby.
Æsop's Fables
More than 655 fables, alphabetically indexed and with morals listed, including fables from Ambrose Bierce and La Fontaine, with sound clips, images, and message forum.