Haliwa-Saponi Tribe of North Carolina
Very brief description of this Indian tribe from a student organization, with a contact address.
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation
This site is dedicated to Occaneechi-Saponi culture, language, and history, also with news and events.
Occaneechi Saponi Spring Cultural Festival
Article on Powwow held at Carrboro, NC, with many pictures.
Occaneechi Town
Description of the archeological finds of a North Carolina dig. Tells something of the Occaneechi Saponi. Mentions impact of disease on the Piedmont Native Americans.
Occaneechi-Saponi Indian Heritage
A personal family history website with background information on the Occaneechi Saponi.
Saponi Nation of Missouri, Mahenips Band
Refugees of the historic Saponi Nation of Virginia and North Carolina. In Howell, Douglas and Ozark Counties in Mo.
Searching for Saponi Town
Historical information and forum for descendants of the Piedmont of Virginia and North Carolina: Saponi, Tutelo, Occaneechi, and others.