Anna Lee Walters
Profile of the Pawnee/Otoe-Missouria author with links to her work.
Annette Arkeketa
Profile of the Missouria-Otoe/Muscogee poet with links to her work.
Cherokee Stip Museum: Otoe-Missouria
History and culture of the tribe, as told by tribal elders in various publications. Includes vintage photographs and a resource bibliography.
Constitution of the Otoe-Missouria
Transcript of the tribal constitution, ratified on 4 February, 1984, provided by the University of Oklahoma Law Center.
Ioway and Otoe Tribal Genealogy
An overview of Ioway heritage as a rich mixture of Otoe, Omaha, Missouria, and other tribes, originating as moundbuilders of the upper Mississippi Valley.
Lewis and Clark in Nebraska
Excerpt from Andreas' History of Nebraska, published in 1882, relates the first official contact with the Otoes and other tribes along the Missouri River.
Native American History
Collection of original articles with an emphasis on the history of the Otoe tribe, their way of life, and where they are today.
Office of Native American Programs
Listing of federal program offices and contacts for the Otoe-Missouria tribe.
Otoe: Sample Entry
Alan H. Hartley's mock-up of how "Otoe" would appear in the Oxford English Dictionary, with variant spellings and historical citations.
Passing of Elders
A tribute to Truman W. Dailey, the "last fluent speaker" of the Otoe-Missouria language, who passed away on December 16, 1996, at the age of 98.
The Flag of the Otoe-Missouria
Photograph of the tribal flag, with a description of the clan totems.
The Otoe-Missouria Nation
A history of the tribe, provided by the Standing Bear Foundation of Northern Oklahoma University.
Treaty with the Oto and Missouri
March 15, 1854, treaty pertaining to lands ceded to U.S., reproduced from "Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties" published in 1904.
Yahoo! Groups : IowayOtoeClub
Discussion group for members of the Ioway and Otoe Tribes [requires Yahoo! registration].