Flight of the Nez Perce
History of the Nez Perce and their historic struggles.
Nez Percé
Brief history with some links, from Encyclopedia.com.
Nez Perce
Article on the tribe's history and culture from the Encyclopedia of North American Indians.
Nez Perce History
Brief overview from the University of Oregon Linguistics Department.
Nez Perce Indians by Cameron
Student's report.
Nez Perce National Historic Trail
History, photos, and other information about the historic trail the Nez Perce fled down in 1877.
Nez Perce Tribal Homepage
Official site of this Indian tribe offers information on tribal government, programs and departments, history, celebrations, businesses, and reservation.
Nez Perces
ES Curtis' ethnography of this Indian tribe, with sepia gravures.
Plains and Plateau Tribes: Nez Perce
Basic information about the tribe's traditional gender, sex, and societal roles.
Sacred Journey of the Nez Perce
Script of the Idaho Public Television program about the 1,600-mile journey and struggle for survival of the tribe.
With Perfect Justice
Nez Perce treaty documents and U.S. governmental papers on the topic.