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Moors and Nanticokes
The history and genealogy of a mixed-race Indian community in Delaware.
Nanticoke Indian Museum
Cafe Locale article about the tribal museum in Oak Orchard, Delaware.
Nanticoke Indians Celebrate Heritage
Sussex County Online article about the Nanticoke Indians annual pow-wow in Millsboro, Delaware.
Nanticoke Language and the Nanticoke Indian Tribe
Language, culture, history, and genealogy. With questions and answers for kids.
Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Indians of New Jersey
Official page of the state-recognized tribe includes brief information about tribal history, list of tribal officers, and information about the annual pow-wow.
Nanticoke Lineage
Genealogy of descendants of the tribal remnant in Sussex County, Delaware. Includes links to other Nanticoke genealogy sites.
The Nanticoke/Lenape Tribe Of New Jersey
Unofficial page with tribal background and powwow photos.