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Ethnohistory and Archaeology of the Caribbean, by
This is a course syllabus for Fall 1998, Anthropology 384M, at the University of Texas.
Geography 3812, "Mexico, Central America, and
This page consists of course notes for Lecture #5, on the aboriginal geography of the Caribbean and aboriginal patterns on Eve of Conquest.
Indigenous Caribbean Peoples and Events
This site provides a teaching guide that includes the following--Reading Assignments, The Pre-Columbus Amerindians, Video Guide: Caribbean Eye Series: Indigenous Survivors.
Indigenous Peoples in Caribbean Prehistory, Elemen
This is an in-depth outline of various types of lessons, activities, and required materials, designed to teach the Indigenous pre-Conquest history of the Caribbean.
Interdisciplinary Studies, "The Rhetoric of T
This page presents course notes on the concept of "cannibalism" with respect to early colonial Caribbean history.
What was Columbus Thinking?
This is a complete and in-depth lesson plan provided by EdSitement.