European Committee on Romani Emancipation
Provides a forum for coordinating assessment and reporting on the degree of integration Romani within European society and will identify and advocate priority policies and actions to promote the more effective social and economic inclusion of Romani.
European Roma Rights Center
An international public interest law organisation which monitors the situation of Roma in Europe and provides legal defence to victims of human rights violations.
Exchange House Travellers Service
Providers of services for the travelling community in Dublin.
Helsinki Citizens' Assembly, Roma Section, Cz
Establishes a network of Roma (Gypsy) activists in Central and Eastern Europe.
Hungarian Foundation for Self-Reliance
Provides grants and loans to support self-help initiatives which enable Roma people and others to build economic and social autonomy and supports environmental projects which involve local unemployed Roma.
Pavee Point
Supports human rights for Irish Travellers, working for solidarity, social justice, development, and human rights, with a particular interest against racism and for women.
Roma Community and Advocacy Center
Located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, promotes the interests of Canadian and newly arrived Roma.
Romani Union Australia
Union of groups representing the Romany of Australia. News.
The Rroma Foundation, Switzerland
Encourages Rroma to develop projects in various fields to improve living conditions and to build understanding between Rroma and non-Rroma communities.
Traveller Law Research Unit
Cardiff Law School, University of Wales.
Union Romani
Defends the Gypsy community in Spain, gaining recognition of the culture of the Gypsy people as an asset within the global culture.
Western Canadian Romani Alliance
Serving the needs of local western Canadian and recently arrived Roma.