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Gypsy Chat
"Te aven baxtale". Chat with other Roma.
Gypsy Chat - Chat Rromanó
By Ranqui, Honduras. Voice and text chat, requires HearMe plugin. In Spanish and Romani.
Gypsy Radio
Roma Music broadcasting on the web 24/7. All music. All Gypsy.
Im nin'alu
Common links between Rom/Gypsies and Hebrews/Jews related to history, culture, spirituality and music.
Khamoro, Real Romani
From Poland.
La Página de Los Gitanos
Information about Gypsies, and chat room, by Rom-Kaló Juan José Heredia Vargas, in Spanish.
Lenny Resande Sida
By Lenny Lindell, Sweden.
Machu10's Place
"The fun Gypsy hangout on the net," USA.
Me Sem Rom
In French.
My Friends, the Gypsies
By Lawrence Bohme, Spain.
Real Gypsy Tells All
Gypsy food and recipes.
Roma: Gypsies of Pata-Rât
Australian photojournalist David Dare Parker captures images of poverty, hardship and survival in Transylvania, Romania.
Romani Dance Page and Romano Kheliben.
By Nadia, USA.
The Romani (Gypsy) culture in Andalusia Spain, by Miguel Mendiola
Scamp - The Genealogy of a Gypsy Family
By Roger Baker.
Steve Redshaw's Home Page
Travelling with Gypsies
By Katerina Zaina.