english deutsch
A Brief Romani Holocaust Chronology
By Ian Hancock.
An Exhibition about the Holocaust on European Roma
By Jakob Hurrle.
Assaults on Truth and Memory: Holocaust Denial in
By Ward Churchill. Examines the refusal of the Jewish scholarly, social and political establishments over the past fifty years to even admit the Gypsies were part of the Holocaust.
Beyond Anne Frank
By Philip Rosen. Explores Nazi crimes and ideology as they applied to the "other victims" of the Holocaust.
Bibliographies: Gypsies
Recommended reading from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Library.
Combatting the Gypsy Nuisance
SS Chief Himmler's circular of December 8, 1938.
Daimler-Benz and Forced Labor
Activities of Daimler-Benz AG in response to the issue of forced labor in Nazi Germany.
Documentation and Culture Centre of German Sinti a
Established to remember the Romani Holocaust. Describes facilities, exhibits, and publications, lists upcoming events, and provides external links. Content in German and English.
Financial compensation for Nazi slave laborers
From ReligiousTolerance.org.
Gypsies and the Porrajmos: Timeline
By Jennifer Rosenberg.
Gypsies in Auschwitz, part 1
From Cybrary of the Holocaust.
Gypsies in Auschwitz, part 2
From Cybrary of the Holocaust.
Gypsies in the Holocaust
From the Jewish Student Online Research Center.
Gypsies in the Holocaust
From the Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online.
Gypsies Refuse to be Forgotten
Gypsy Bibliography - The Holocaust
By Jennifer Rosenberg.
IB Holocaust Project: Unlenswurdig - Gypsies
The genocide of the Gypsies, by the International Baccalaureate Holocaust Project at Coral Gables Senior High School, USA.
Modern History Sourcebook: Gypsies in the Holocaus
On Gypsies: The Roma victims of the Holocaust.
From Cybrary of the Holocaust.
Oshwitsate: A Song from the Holocaust
By Ronald Lee, Roma Community and Advocacy Centre, Toronto.
Robert Ritter
The race scientist chosen to direct the Nazi's classification of the Gypsies.
Roma (Gypsies) in the Holocaust
From the Sound of the Shofar! website.
Roma (Gypsies) in the Holocaust
O Porrajmos, "The Devouring", the Roma Holocaust.
Roma (Gypsies) in the Holocaust
From the Patrin Web Journal.
Roma (Gypsy) Victims of the Holocaust
From A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust.
Romani Holocaust
Books published by the University of Hertfordshire Press on the fate of the Gypsies (Roma) in the death camps of Nazi Germany and occupied Europe
Sinti and Roma (Gypsies): Victims of the Nazi Era
Originally published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as a pamphlet titled "Sinti and Roma."
Testimony of Anna W.
From the Fortunoff Video Archive, a Roma survivor describes medical experiments at the Nazi concentration camp of Ravensbrück.
The Gypsy Nuisance in Nazi Europe
The Gypsy Victims of Auschwitz
From the Auschwitz Alphabet.
The Holocaust - About.com
A collection of articles about the holocaust.
Vatican Bank Claims
News about class action lawsuit on behalf of Serb, Jewish, and Roma Holocaust survivors seeking return of gold from the Vatican Bank
Who Were the Gypsies?
From the Holocaust Teacher Resource Center.
Whose History? Revisionism and the Romani Holocaus
By Bernard Rorke.