A School Unlike Any Other
The Romani High School in Kolín, Czech Republic. By Andrew Stroehlein, from The New Presence, October 1998.
A non-profit making organisation designed to meet the needs of those interested and involved in Gypsy and Traveller education in the UK.
Bibliography: Education
From the Pavee Point Travellers' Centre, Ireland.
Cardiff Traveller Education Service
Offers to provide education to travelling families in the UK.
Education of Ethnic Minorities: Introduction and E
By Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, 1999.
hCa Roma Section Newsletter No.4
Education Issue, June 1998.
Multicultural Education: Policy, Planning and Shar
IEP Conference Report, Dobogóko, Hungary, May 1999.
Peterborough Conference on Roma Education
Report by Paul Beltrami, 19-21 June 1998.
Report on Leadership and Management Training with
By Haralan Alexandrov and Maya Mladenova.
Roma and Other Ethnic Minorities in Czech and Slov
By David Canek, Charles University. Requires Adobe Acrobat.
Roma in the Czech School System
by Roman Kri?tof and Jakob Hurrle.
Romani Studies at the University of Greenwich
Professor T.A.Acton describes the courses available, and gives background material on the Romani.
An educational program for Hungarian undergraduate students of Roma origin.
School Success for Roma Children in Hungary
A meeting hosted by the EPSU team and the Soros Foundation Romania to discuss the development of programming to promote school success for Roma children.
Scottish Traveller Education Programme
Contacts and networks, publications and papers, and related links.
Special Schools - Help or Harm for Romany Children
By Eva Sobotkova and Sasa Uhlova, Czech Republic.
The ERRC Legal Strategy to Challenge Racial Segreg
By Dimitrina Petrova, 1999.
The European Commission, European Cooperation on S
Projects to improve educational provision for the children of migrant workers, occupational travellers and Gypsies (Action 2).
The Roma Education Resource Book
Resource package on issues related to Roma and education, from the Open Society Institute.
The Schooling of Romani Americans: An Overview
Keynote Paper read before the Second International Conference on the Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Problems of Roma Children's Education in Europe, Varna, Bulgaria, May 27-29 1999, by Dr. Ian Hancock.
Trust: The essential prerequisite between Roma and
By Mareile Krause.
University Education of Rroma (Gypsies)
From the Romanian Ministry of Education, in Romanian.